If my body calls – and it might – I think you should ignore it.
Lord knows I have.
I work too hard. Have I mentioned that before? I’m willing to bet I have: I’ll bet I’ve written about it previously – seems I take a perverse pride in it – not to mention that I suspect I repeat myself.
There’s a price to pay when you work too much.
That’s right.
I’ve developed carpal body syndrome.
I mean, sure. It started in my wrists, of course. After a good 30 years of typing – 30 years more than this particular monkey was designed for – carpal tunnel was probably in my immediate future anyway.
But the whole dang body?
Mary and I cleaned a 5300 square-foot house in 20 hours this weekend. I can’t speak for her, but every muscle in my body is pissed at me right now; I’ve found bits of plaster in my hair; I’ve worn my right thumbnail down to the quick scratching paint off the wood floors; and to top it off the owner tells us to send him an invoice for the work done.
An invoice?
I don’t like the sound of that. Who sends invoices? Wasn’t I clear about my preference for cash money, under-the-table work?
You’d think I’d be exhausted. And you’d be right. But I’m almost too tired to sleep, although I have caught myself staring straight ahead for long periods of time without blinking.
Which is kind of like sleeping, right?
Tomorrow? Yoga.
Tonight? A little TV, a hot bath, the three beers in the fridge, and if I’m feeling really crazy I’ll tap into that last swig cough syrup that’s been sitting in the medicine cabinet since December.
‘Cause not only do I know how to work on a Saturday, I know how to party on a Saturday night.
About old films
2 days ago
Hopefully you partied hard enough to sleep in and rest your weary self.
An invoice?? I would track that guy down and get my cash.
call him and say, "here's how much you owe us, i'll bring the invoice when i pick up the CASH, sugar!" ok, you might want to leave out the sugar part...xoxoxo
Carpal Body? Wow, that sounds really bad. Should have mentioned the carpal tunnel when he asked for the invoice. Of course he prolly felt safe when you showed him the claws and they were worn off. Sounds like Pile Up Sunday. How'ed the Cough syurp work out?
I've had those kinds of days...whole body hurts from work. I hope you managed to sleep well and have a good day today!!!
Can I give my BF your number?
She's building a house right now, 6000 sq/f when its done, and she's looking for someone to clean it.
I like the over-worked/ over-tired feeling, hah, but not as much as I used too : )
What? No Cash? After all that work, they should have at least given you a 6-pack of beer to hold you over until they pay you.
Ouch! Oh, my dear, I'm sore from just reading this. Pamper yourself today.
Oh, and always get cash up front. I learned that from my years of being a hooker. ;)
Watch out for that cough syrup, it's powerful stuff. Add the cost of it to your invoice. Hope your body forgive you.
me thinks your bill will be claimed....be careful of him. I can't even clean out the fridge any more without my body revolting and issuing a work stoppage order to all parts concerned...mostly back and legs. If I cleaned an entire house in that length of time, all systems would shut down immediately, even the battery backup. Pissing off your own body is not advisable as you have discovered. Feel better soon. Vodka helps.
I have screaming tennis elbows after cleaning houses for a living for 3 years. I know your pain....
Stop by my blog when you have a minute. You are the winner of my giveaway!!!!
less is more — party on, sister!
that guy needs to be punished for saying to send him the invoice. I say, send out one tomorrow then for DOUBLE what you were going to ask for in cash. He is just stalling because he had no money to give you, I am sure.
Wish I was there, I'd give you a good old fashioned nurse massage, like we learned in nursing school and never got to use. ha
The proper response when someone says "send me an invoice" is to state quite clearly...
"Invoices come with a 20% surcharge."
And then smile sweetly.
Vanilla Extract has quite a high alcohol content....don't remember if it tastes better than cough syrup......
You sound like alot of women I know. Can't just sit down for two minutes and relax. About one minute in to the relaxation they remember they have to move the piano and dust under it. It's insane. I mean I love hard work myself. I could watch it all day long but you gotta slow it down.
I see that you are a hard worker, so you deserve the chance to play just as hard. Keep time for Yourself.
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