You just never know with cats.
You know Liza Bean, don’t you? Liza Bean Bitey, of the Minneapolis Biteys, is just one of two hair-covered, be-clawed slackers I have living with me.
Liza Bean Bitey (of the Minneapolis Biteys) is a delightful, asymmetrically striped animal with a penchant for jewels, late-night drives (I swear, she takes my keys one more time…) and birds of all flavors.
She’s a bit of a Renaissance Cat. Whether she’s whispering into her cell phone, huddled in the bathroom with the water running (she knows how I hate that!), absconding with one of my better liquors, or telling the neighbors outright lies about how often I wash my bedding, she always does it with style.
Money-eating, sequin-encrusted style.
Well, that’s what you get, when you let cats in. Sure, I could turn her out, but the things she knows about me?
Not on your life.
So will I borrow her the money?
You bet your sweet bippy I will. I'm writing the check as we speak.
But this time, I'm writing "loan" in the memo.
Meanwhile, two hours up the road and in other kitteh-related news, Little Girl, aka The Fuzzy Little Slut, has given birth to her fourth litter of five kittens. My mother reports that they are all solid black and doing well.
Here's a photo of Little Girl and her last litter.

Midge’s Home for Wayward Kittehs is, once again, in business!
Damn if I didn't arrive home last night, get up this morning, attend to my mail, and found a card from Miss Liza Bean Bitey, plus photo. What a day. What a marvellous day. Can she get a visa to India???? I am in love...
been missing updates on Mrs Liza Bean ^-^
I would have taken one of those kittens. I would have hated myself for it, but I would have taken one.
Hi Pearl,
I would believe Lizzie Bean when she says that her passport has expawed ,. give her the money, send her on her way and buy a dog
Aw, kittens! What could be cuter?
Well, around here, the baby quail are fast becoming cuter than my sons 2 kitties, who have grown up to resemble cage fighters with a propensity for half eating baby quail.
So the baby quail are only cute briefly.
She must be using your computer too as I also received a loan request from Mz Liza bean. I am considering it.
I have to say it: using "borrow her the money" is so lurrvely Minnesotan! I get it from my students all the time and had never heard it before moving to the Midwest.
Cute kittens. Get her to babysit the kittens and earn some money like a grown-up cat.
Ah-choo! (Blows nose into hankie.)
Nice kitty! Ah-choo! Sorry -- gotta go while I can still breathe....
I had wondered if Liza Bean had been abducted by the bicycle boys or something. Jeez ... good to know Liza's alive and well and ready to travel again!
Kitty's!!! I LOVE kitty's!!! Hubs keeps threatening to get one for the kids, but he never does!
Didn't Liza Bean get anything in the bailout?
They must keep the lifestyle to which you have made them accustomed!!
Have just met her and I think she's a bit of a cat!
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