I've been included in a Minnesota anthology "Under Purple Skies", now available on Amazon!

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My first chapbook, I Was Raised to be A Lert is in its third printing and is available both via the PayPal link below and on smashwords! Order one? Download one? It's all for you, baby!

Friday, March 14, 2014

Hopeful; or I Hear It's Called "Spring"

You’re gonna wanna hold on to your hats – and any other bits of clothing that tend to fly off when you’re excited – but I have something new to report.

Also – are you seated?

Because there are birds.

In the trees.

I know! It had me blinking, I can tell you that much, but there – up there – in the trees, are birds.

Singing, chirping, non-Crow birds.

Surely barefootedness is just around the corner?

It’s been a long season.

Oh, come on, Pearl! You live in Minnesota! It’s not like you didn’t see the winter coming.
I hear you. I acknowledge your line of thinking.

But you are wrong. I didn’t see winter coming, not for what it really is, just like I don’t really see summer coming. You must know by now that the only way one can live in a part of the world like Minnesota is to develop seasonal amnesia.

Winter? Said during the heavy-wet-wool-blanket of heat known as August, the word has no power at all. Winter is but a brisk breeze, longed-for, recalled fondly as an excuse to wear adorably fuzzy sweaters and drink ourselves silly during toasty parties with others of our kind.

Summer? Summer, recalled during the I-think-my-eyeballs-are-frozen depths of blue-aired winter, is a skin-kissed dream of dappled sunlight and freshly mown lawns and not the stay-on-your-side-of-the-bed-there’s-not-enough-talcum-powder-in-the-world experience sure to come…

We forget the seasons, each and every time.

And are therefore continually surprised.

By birds. In trees.

The birds have returned. Next week the last of the snow may – or may not! – disappear. Not far behind that will be the buds on the trees and crocuses pushing up through the grateful earth.

We are eager. We are giddy. And we are ready to expose our limbs to the public.

I mean it, guys. I’m going to take off my coat eventually.


The Cranky said...

No coat? How giddily Dionysian... next thing you know, you'll be talking nudist colony!

Or maybe not so much, Minnesotan mosquitoes are much larger and more vicious than Hoosier ones. I think.

Patricia said...

For those who can't fathom seasonal amnesia, it's much like childbirth amnesia. Nuff said.

Should Fish More said...

I'm trying to feel happy for you. The only way we'd see the snow melt here is if a nuk went off over the city, then maybe. As a barometer of spring the birds will be here late April.

Steve said...

Pearl, good for you. Let the good times roll.

vanilla said...

Here's hoping you are right.

Camille said...

I heard a Mourning Dove in my back yard early this morning. I think she was saying "Why is there still so much *%!$&! snow back here?" Ack!

middle child said...

I read to the end of this post because when you mentioned the word spring...well..I just wanted to see what you were drinking that gave you such a crazy idea.

jenny_o said...

You can take off your coat, just don't pack it away. That's a sure way to get another blizzard.

I heard those non-crow birds the other day, too. My theory is that they were there all the time (because surely they wouldn't be returning while there's still this much snow and cold) but they were too cold to chirp. Must ... save ... energy ...

raydenzel1 said...

I remember those days, desperately looking for signs of warmth and then getting hit again with snow. Enjoy your dream.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Hey, Pearl, just yesterday I switched the heated leather seats in my Jeep from HI to LO. I know, I'm very lucky to have such a vehicle. It's 17 years old but it has low mileage and heated leather seats! So I'm keeping it. I fervently hop I get to spend a couple of months without heating the seats.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...


Jenn Jilks said...

I love it: 'non-crow' birds!
We have tons. They were singing, too, after I cleared off the driveway of 20cm snow.

Leenie said...

All so VERY true! We are surprised every time--every year. Even when all the same seasons happen in the same order with similar weather. Makes living in snow country such an adventure, but for you-all in Minnesota, I'm thinking 13-14 is gonna be a standout. OH LOOK birds! Be right back.

Mandy_Fish said...

Tell that to the snowstorm we had on Wednesday.

Bill Lisleman said...

I'm suspicious of these people who say they enjoy the change of seasons.
seasonal amnesia could be the answer.
Don't you feel sorry for the Hawaiians who don't get to experience seasons? I don't.

Linda O'Connell said...

I am right there with you listening to the birds chirp. 82 degrees one day and 32 the next with snow is just cruel.

Geo. said...

California, except for earthquakes, has been very mild this winter. I wish you could get a West Coast Vortex sometimes instead of that Arctic one --but birds are a good sign!

Catalyst said...

With the winter you've had this year, are you sure those non-crow birds aren't vultures?

Jono said...

Best example of seasonal amnesia is people forgetting how to drive in slippery conditions. It has happened every year since the invention of the wheel. The invention of the ski is another matter.

Starting Over, Accepting Changes - Maybe said...

I love, love, love your definition of Summer.

Robins are here. They are wearing their winter feathers.

Yamini MacLean said...

Hari OM
That cold really HAS gone to your head, hasn't it? ... then again, I walked about with my coat the other day. Guaranteed to bring in the next wave of rawsomeness. sigh. YAM xx

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

You're right: you always have something to look forward to, a lovely combination of fantasy and reality! That's the advantage of a four-season environment. I'm so glad you're seeing signs of spring. You've had such a winter this year!

Anonymous said...

What do vultures sound like? Just curious.

Gigi said...

Spring? What is this weather anomaly that you speak of?

But yes, I have heard the non-crows. Should I take that as an omen?

River said...

Ah, the birds. We have the same here, birds signifying season change. Last week I heard a kookaburra laughing in my area, twice. Sure enough we now have much cooler temperatures with clouds and rain. Last night we had thunder too. I recall the same thing happened last March. First the kookas, then the cool.
I'm so glad you will finally be warm again soon.

Watson said...

May all your dreams come true!

Rose L said...

I am so glad I live in Oregon in an area that has birds year round as we do not get the snow like you do!

Tempo said...

Laugh all you like Pearl, enjoy the heady rush of Spring...but not for long. As you rejoice, we here in Australia are into Autumn with Winter looming ever closer.. YOUR WINTER..
I blame you for this Pearl. Every year is the same, you rejoice Spring and the whole of the Southern Hemisphere plunges into the depths of Winter... Shame, Pearl, shame!

wellfedfred said...

Oh, yeah. Birds. I remember them.

Kathy said...

Glad spring is on the horizon for you, Pearl. Bless those birds and their encouraging song. Here in the UK it's even stopped raining!

Indigo Roth said...

Soon you'll be packing the layers of clothes away, and scratching your head when you find them again in Jumy. "who would ever need THESE?" you'll wail...

Unknown said...

*like* (in a confusingly extroverted, introvert sort of way. Imagine my normally liking without commenting....)

HermanTurnip said...

This is exactly how I feel when I can finally stow away my full winter wetsuit and swap it out for my spring suit...

Slamdunk said...

Your post is timely. I just looked at the 5 day forecast for here and it is all brrrr. I am still hopeful the warmth will return soon.

Connie said...

Oh bless those little birds!! I'm glad to have them back.

Diane Stringam Tolley said...

Yep. Just dragged my coat and accompanying boots out of storage. I knew spring was just teasing me. Sigh.