So here we are: Monday morning.
And wasn’t it just minutes ago that it was Friday afternoon, redolent with the promise of sleeping-in, of finally folding those towels, of sitting for hours with friends just because you want to and you can?
And now, here we are again: Monday morning, with a full work week ahead of us.
It’s not that I hold you responsible, per se, but I do notice that every time I see Monday, I see you.
What’s the connection?
In fact, the more I reflect on this, the more I’m starting to think that the work week – and you – have something to do with each other…
Anyway, if we’re going to keep doing this? If we’re going to continue to do this Monday-morning thing? We should establish some guidelines.
That okay with you?
First of all, I think we should take turns picking up coffee. You like coffee, right? Me, too; although by the time I’m done adding half-and-half and Splenda to it it’s not so much coffee as it is some sort of caffeinated dessert. I don’t know if you want to go every other week or what, but I figured we should talk about it.
Second and/or “B”, I think Mondays should be pleasant but low-key. We don’t have to talk if you don’t want to, but there should be some sort of acknowledgement of each others’ presence. I appreciate a brisk nod, the casual wave, even a wink. Let me know how you feel about non-verbal communications. We got all week – no point in peaking early.
Next, I get a number of personal phone calls throughout the day. Maybe we could work out some sort of signal as to when I could use some privacy? I’ll balance my coffee cup on my head when I could use a couple minutes. If you need me to leave, you pat your belly twice and belch the alphabet to “G”. I don’t know – I’m just throwing it out there. We can work on that more, later.
Finally, I’ve got a series of global Live Meeting conference calls that need to be set up – one for North America, one for Europe (if you can’t fit it in with the North America meeting), and one for the Asia-Pacific area. So if we’re going to sit here and distract each other, maybe you could take one, I could take the other, and then we’ll go to lunch?
Speaking of lunch, it's not even 8:00 and already I'm thinking Chipotle's.
You let me know.
About old films
1 day ago
Chipotle's sounds great. However, I'm still looking for someone to peel pomegranates for me, like you have. Maybe we could add that to the Monday lineup...
**waves at Pearl and smiles broadly**
Just to see you balance your coffee cup on your head is worth learning to belch the alphabet to G, maybe even M. I think we can work something out here.
*brisk nod*
Let's leave the rest til tomorrow, as I'm having trouble focusing. Focussing? See?
I will be outside doing something in my rare 1 inch of snow before its gone by 1 PM., maybe I will create giant letters observable from Google Earth satellites.
I like my coffee black and a big bag of Lays Smokey Bacon Chips makes a great breakfast. Waving over here...waving...oh, sorry, I didn't see that coffee cup on top of your head. slinks off.
*Nods appreciatively, places index finger alongside nose*
*Develops warm spot in center of chest, throws kisses*
Are we talking Monday's here or Monday morning sex????
Hmmm. :-) The post now reads in another light, Trav!
He's kinda right, You never mentioned the bus.
What?? Sex?? On Monday morning??
I better have another cup of coffee--or three--and wake up a bit more cuz there's no way I got any hint of sex out of your post.
I'm not sure I can belch 'G'...but I'm good with the vowels!
now those odd coffee stains make sense
How do you feel about homemade cinnamon rolls on Monday? Oatmeal cookies on Tuesday, you've already spoken on the need for jelly donuts on Wednesday, Thursday it's pineapple squares if you ask me, and Friday, hmmm ... maybe pie.
And next week it'll be my turn :)
I hate it when I belch during sex.
So how does the intern in your cubby feel about joining in for A and B and Chipolte's?
I can belch the entire alphabet. Does that shoot me to the front of the line?
A brilliant, funny post, Pearl. It's a different ball game altogether when you retire and don't have to go to work.
Please don't start off talking about doughnuts. I lost everything after that.
I hate farting during sex -- but am wondering, really, what this has to do with jelly doughnuts, dessert coffee and Mondays. *off to reread post because I obviously wasn't paying enough attention*
Oh...hi Pearl....don't mind me...I'm just going to hide behind my pc here until Monday's over.
Works best for me that way...
I think we should avoid eye contact completely at the office; you know I frighten the horses.
I've zoomed through Monday and I'm on to Tuesday. Pleasant but low key. On any day that ends with Y.
I share a space with someone I see every Monday but thankfully I'm not locked in a cubicle with them. Oi!
Oh, the joy of being retired!
Hmm, can I borrow this post and pass it around the office? Apparently, there are people here who don't know me and continue to insist on talking to me first thing on Monday morning. And that signal for privacy - well, that definitely needs to be conveyed as well.
Somehow, I think I could be much more productive if they put me in an office, with a door that locks, and just left me alone.
The complexity of this plan (or the fact that I perceive it as complex) tells me that it is definitely time for me to retire.
Why restrict jelly donuts to only Wednesdays?
Unless you plan on chocolate ones ever other day.
yeah yesah yeah!!!!!!!
Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
I'm not sure you would like my coffee. I just discovered Hills Bros. It is very cheap and yet I like it.
Monday is almost over now it's almost 11pm. Good riddance, Monday! Bring on the Tuesday. Tuesdays are far more friendly.
Happy Valentine's Day, Pearl! We should have some serious chocolate. :)
I keep clicking on your book cover but nothing happens. How do I order one?
respond at
I will add you to my "I am Reading" section if I can figure out how to get one.
X David
At your desk at 8am Monday morning? Gosh that's hard cheese.
Damn. I'm sorry I'm so late. How did those conference calls go? To make it up to you, lunch today is on me. Is Hooters OK?
Lets see, hold the coffee, any type of rooibus tea, black please. Sure I'll spring for you're coffee as well... I totally understand the parking depleted your coins you had tucked away... as for lunch, what happened to starting to eat healthy this week? We've discussed this every week this past year, or was it two? This week is THE week we agreed on. K, I'll meet you at the corner deli for a salad, hold the dressing, times two, whoever gets there first. I know you'll pick up the tab, cause you're going to order the double burger, aren't you? WHAT? It's 8 already... gotta run, tty at lunch. Have a fantastic morning, and ya if he doesn't ask you out to dinner we'll do the girls night in again. Gotta run, bye for now.
It's not Monday anymore, but it will be again and I will practice my belching of the alphabet to be prepared.
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