Sure it's a repost! But I like it! (And I'm working. Have fun, kids!)
I’m tired of being on the inside of my head. I need a new vantage point.
I want to be inside someone else’s head for a change.
For example, that guy over there. No, not that one. The one at the juke box. Have you been watching this guy?
“My man!” he shouts at the machine. In this case, it appears that George Thoroughgood is this guy’s “man”. One arm up in the air, faux-clutching what may be an imaginary lighter, our man at the juke box sways, enthralled. “B-b-b-b-bad to the bone!” he stutters.
He raises the beer he’s set onto the bar and pulls deeply from it. He belches. “Thazz mah dog,” he says to no one.
The next hour on the jukebox, however, is devoted, it seems, to the mid-80s; and we endure both the musical stylings of AC/DC and its Number One Fan.
“Done dirt cheap!” he bawls.
“Yeah, buddy,” someone at the bar agrees good naturedly. “AC/DC! Dirty Deeds!”
“Done dirt cheap!” yells/agrees our man at the juke box. He wanders over to where I’m sitting and jams an imaginary microphone in my face.
“Dirty deeds, done dirt cheap!” I yell into his fist. The crowd laughs and I raise my beer.
Why not.
Unencumbered by sobriety or, unfortunately, a belt, he returns to the jukebox, clutching at his droopy drawers with one hand and using the other to alternately direct the music pouring out through the speakers or touch the screen to choose what turns out to be more AC/DC songs.
Now, I enjoy AC/DC as much as the next three-chord-strummin’ rock band, but do they have anything else?
A crowd has gathered around him.
What is going on inside that head, I wonder. What time did he start drinking? Is he imagining that the dancing and singing in front of the jukebox is drawing a crowd, not as a drunken spectacle but in admiration? Why doesn’t he own a belt?
Wait – some of these women actually do appear to be admiring him – so what’s going on in their heads?
Hmm. First I want to vacation in his head – and then I want to vacation in one of those women’s heads.
I’ll bet everything looks different from inside there.
About old films
3 days ago
eeewwwee...I think I was married to that guy once...eeewwweee. But I think he had a belt...and trust me,Pearl, you don't want to be in his head! LOL! Laurel
Liked it the first time....still made me snicker.
I wouldn't mind being inside his head as long as I didn't have to be in those droopy pants.
Personally, I think the stuff inside those other heads youire considering wouldn't be worth the price of admission. You're doing fine from the outside.
Inside some one elses head would be a nice change, would have to be careful though. Therapy can get expensive
Kinda empty in there, I'd think :)
I like the stuff that comes out of YOUR head. You wouldn't want to be inside mine--it's kinda dark in there, anyway....
Wow, 'Dairy Queen' has certainly loosened its standards.
Old to you, new to me. Funny post.
Some possible answers to your questions:
What time did he start drinking? The year 1998
Why doesn’t he own a belt? Because he has been drinking since 1998. Money doesn't grow on trees: it's grown mainly on cotton and flax, so Linen and McCottony. I wonder if they are on that juke box?
Music sounds better with tequila in Minnesota. Belts are optional. Pearl, where do you get this stuff...":)
I don't have to worry about anyone wanting to get inside my head. They'd never survive the journey.
Shelly: that cracked me up laughing, and I understand completely.
You might wanna carve your initials in there before you check out.
I don't think that there would be room in either his head, or those of the women admiring him for a fine free standing brain like yours. And I don't think I would like what would happen if someone tried to squeeze your brain into a corset.
You don't want to be in his head or in my head as today my head has some strange thoughts poping into it. I read something and think what the hell and have to read it again to get it straight I think I will blame the pain I am in for makeing strange things pop into my head......
you might need a shower
The guy wasn't drinking again...more like STILL.
So, do you think he will leave while you are in there, or do you have to share his head with him? I think there will be plenty of room to share, but it might not be pretty.
I remember the first time I read this, I didn't understand why you'd want to go in there....still don't. If you don't mind, I'll wait for you out here.
A crowd gathered around him so that they could see free entertainment. ;-)
Well at least he was a happy drunk, not a violent-looking-for-a-fight-drunk.
I often wonder what's in other people's heads too. I watch what they're doing and think to myself, "What were you thinking"?
When we were in high school, AC/DC was the EVIL band. I'm not sure how I feel about them now.
I think inside his head might be quite empty - likewise the women, or else so claustrophobic you'd want to scream.
Great post, I gave up trying to figure what goes inside the heads of other long ago.
Down here in South Carolina its like living in Lewis Carroll's Wonderland.
Haha! Love this one, one of my faves of yours.
Done Dirt Cheap!
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