I've been included in a Minnesota anthology "Under Purple Skies", now available on Amazon!

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My first chapbook, I Was Raised to be A Lert is in its third printing and is available both via the PayPal link below and on smashwords! Order one? Download one? It's all for you, baby!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I’ll Never See Them Again, But They Have My Fervent Best Wishes

There is a couple in front of me, waiting for the elevator. They know each other well and have for some time. You can see it, somehow, in the way they stand next to each other.

They are together.

She leans into him, and he puts an arm around her, runs his hand up the outside of her winter coat’s sleeve and pulls her close. She rests her head on his shoulder, looks up at him and smiles.


The elevator doors open, and the three of us step in.

We stare ahead, politely.

“I want to tell someone,” she says to him.

“It’s too early,” he says.

“Still,” she says. “I’ll burst if I don’t tell someone.”

I turn to face them. The woman looks at me and smiles.

“You can tell me,” I say.

“We’re pregnant!” they shout. And I don’t know this couple, this smiling, hand-holding couple, and yet goosebumps go up on my arms.

“Congratulations – wait, we’re happy about this, yes?!” I smile, to show I’m joking, that of course we are happy.

“Oh, yes,” and they are talking, the both of them, at once. “We’ve been trying for a while now – we want this baby so much – we’re so happy.”

“How far along are you?” I ask. “You look fantastic.”

“Six weeks,” she says, and a blush arises from the both of them.

“A summer baby! Plenty of time to tell people!” I enthuse. “Do you have a nursery?”

And for the next five floors, they tell me about the nursery, about the grandparents-to-be who will be so excited.

The doors to the elevator open on the ground floor. He puts his arm around her, guides her out the door. “Merry Christmas!” the man says. “Merry Christmas,” she says. She steps away from him, reaches out her hand to me. I take it.

“Merry Christmas,” I say, and tears come to both of our eyes.

“And a Happy New Year,” she whispers.


Linda O'Connell said...

sometimes I cry from laughing at your posts, and it's posts like this that also make my eyes brim. Beautiful.

Pat said...

Now you've made me blub.
Things are getting a bit hectic so if I don't make it before have a happy - whatever is relevant- and a great 2012.

Simply Suthern said...

Hey!! You're the first to know.

Well after them, and the doctor and the ultra sound tech and the billing lady, uh you're way up there on the list somewhere.

It's also a plus that they knew each other.

It's fun to see young couples in that state. Not just MN mind you.

Pearl said...

Yes, that was yesterday afternoon, and it makes me smile to recall it. :-)


HEARTWARMING story. I know that feeling. To share such a special moment in time. Just wonderful. Take care. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'll be sure to stop back here. MERRY CHRISTMAS.

Camille said...

Dagnabit Pearl - there you go again making me puddle up and get all kerflempt! Such a wonderful moment and so well related. You're a master of storytelling.

Anonymous said...

It makes me smile and I wasn't there. Ahh, babies.

Anonymous said...

A lovely moment in time captured here...

Sioux Roslawski said...

What a sweet post, Pearl. I'm hoping for some too-much-egg-nog-drunk-by-cats tales before 2011 ends...

Pearl said...

Hey, when the sweet stuff comes, you'd be silly not to grab it and hold it close. :-)

On the other hand, I overheard Liza Bean making a phone call. While sitting atop the Christmas tree. MAN but I hate when she sits in the tree!

Dr. Kathy McCoy said...

Oh, Pearl, this is such a sweet and touching post! There is not much better news -- from loved ones or strangers -- than the coming of a much-wanted baby! My brother and his wife are expecting their second child this summer, too, and are so excited.

Sarah Has Moxie said...

beautiful little story there, Pearl. :) Merry Christmas to you, too, my dear. See you in our home city next week? :)

Pearl said...

Kathy, best wishes to your brother and his wife -- and to you, too, Auntie!

Sarah, OOooh yes, please! Good conversation, ideas exchanged and fabulous food eaten? I'm in!!

Anonymous said...

Damn it. Now I have to reapply my mascara.
I'm glad you got to know their news. I bet it was a relief for them to share with you.

Glen said...

never a chore reading you :-) Happy Christmas

Leenie said...

I'm so glad you were there to help them decompress some of the celebratory tension. :-D

Also glad you shared the joy with us.

Kavi said...

There is such doom and dismay in the world today. And then there are posts like this. That make me think, that I need to hold on to hope. For one more day... !

Simply awesome !

Unknown said...

Oh! That's so lovely!


Can you imagine, if we ever ran into each other in an elevator?

I think I'd burst into tears.

Merry Christmas, my Pearl.

Unknown said...

That was absolutely heart-warming! What a special moment to share.

Belle said...

A beautiful moment. I think weddings and babies are the happiest times in a person's life.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Aww! They have no idea what's ahead. Bwa ha ha! :)

Shelly said...

Big old lump in my throat! Love this!

Simply Suthern said...


Argent said...

Definitely misted up reading this. Thanks for sharing it with us.

Diane Stringam Tolley said...

Oh, this is just what I needed today. Happiness and joy. All the right ingredients. Things we hear about a lot at this season. It's so nice to know that they will be staying around in someone's home for the whole year. Thank you!

Linda Myers said...

Lovely! Thank you so much, Pearl.

Esther Montgomery said...

Wonderful. And brilliantly Christmassy too.

WrathofDawn said...

Pearl! How dare you make my eyes leak in this cold weather! Now my lids are going to freeze shut!

Are you sure you weren't raised by my father? That's the kind of thing he would have done. He never met a stranger to whom he couldn't be kind.

You is good people, Poil.

Hilary said...

Best story ever! You made me cry.

Craver Vii said...

It's a good thing she told you. If she had "burst" at only six weeks, it would have been more theatric than the previous post. You probably saved her life. ;-)

I love it when perfect strangers act this friendly. This was a treat for them... but you made my day as well. Thanks.

Roshni said...

wow!! Such a sweet moment for all of you!!

Elephant's Child said...

That so epitomises the benefits of talking to strangers. A beautiful moment for them, for you and for us. Thank you so much.

Douglas said...

What a nice story. It reminds me of when my first wife told me she was pregnant. Of course, that was just a month before she was my first wife. I think my reaction was similar to your.... I believe I said "You're what?!!!"

They were a married couple, weren't they?

Joanne Noragon said...

Thanks for telling.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I imagine you supressing your laughter and talking to them in your 'phone voice' that you reserve for people that call you. You know that voice - the sickly sweet tones filled with false sincerity. Or is it just me that does that?

Bodacious Boomer said...

It's so nice when people are truly thrilled when they're expecting.

When I told Doug we were expecting our 1st he looked at me and said "Really?"

Wasn't quite the Hallmark moment I'd expected. Thank God his enthusiasm eventually showed up.

ho ho ho

jabblog said...

Beautiful, Pearl:-)

the walking man said...

That is about the sweetest nicest thing i have read all week. Thank you Pearl.

Gigi said...

What a beautiful Christmas gift for them and you...and by extension us.

Bill Lisleman said...

Holy cow that's the couple I caught trying to conceive in the elevator. Just kidding nice post.

vanilla said...

Pearl practices good neighbor policy!

Dawn@Lighten Up! said...

Beautiful! Fantastic! You said it before - you have the kind of face that makes people confess. I have such a face, too. Fantastic.
Merry Christmas, my new friend! :)

Unknown said...

You gave me goosebumps in the most wonderful way. Thank you! (I'm so glad that you were there for them, and they for you for us...)

jenny_o said...

This is an example of the best kind of return on investment there is! Your kindness in inviting her to talk ended up enriching all of you (and us). Thank you for a lovely post.

The Big Dollop said...

Pearl - I too had a moment like yours - in June of 2008 I was on holiday in Washington DC during which I spent a day at Arlington Cemetery.

At the Iwo Jima memorial I was approached by a young man who handed me his video camera and asked if I would be kind enough to film him and his girlfriend in front of the memorial.

Imagine my surprise when he got down on one knee and proposed to her - it was just as surprising form her as it was for me - I had a wee tear in my eye when I handed him his camera back.

I know from experience why you connected with this couple.

Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Joanna Jenkins said...

Oh Pearl, I'm crying too. That's the best Christmas story of the year! I'm so glad you were in the elevator at that exact moment. That couple will be telling this story for the rest of their lives. What a wonderful and happy beginning for their baby.

Thanks for the holiday cheer. Merry Christmas to you and your family. xoxox jj

Tempo said...

What a wonderful moment...

Unknown said...

That last part stung my eyes with tears. I loved this story. How special that you were able to be a part of that sweet moment with them!

Anonymous said...

A little bit of joy spread and shared. Merry Christmas to you!

Crystal Pistol said...

You have such a sweet and tender heart, Pearl. I love that about you! :)

Babies are my very favorite thing in the whole wide world!

Symdaddy said...

This elevator ... was it by any chance in a multi-storey manger? Did they mention their names, or possibly professions, at all?

Maybe you didn't notice, but you were probably knee-deep in straw and the poo from various farm animals. These guy's http://symdaddy.blogspot.com/2011/12/we-three-kings.html weren't standing behind you holding a gift or two, were they?

River said...

So sweet! I wish them well.

raydenzel1 said...

compassion for others should be the rule of the day. good job.

Ava Quinn said...

What a gorgeous Christmas gift - for all three of you! It's those unexpected, serendipitous gifts that are all the more precious. Thanks for sharing it.

Teresa Evangeline said...

Wonderful, simply wonderful.

Pat Tillett said...

Great story Pearl. I must not be a manly man anymore. That one got to me.

Vapid Vixen said...

How do you do it??? This was so tender!

Ann Imig said...

What a moment! They needed you as their witness, Pearl!

lime said...

ah, bless them for sharing with you and you for receiving that with such gentle joy. this is the stuff of life.

Dianne said...

brava on POTW

Tabor said...

Congrats on your POTW. Glad I stopped by. I love chance encounters like this. Such a universal story.

Teri said...

How wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

Out on the prairie said...

Lovely experience to have shared