There’s a rabbit that sits on the lawn between our house and the neighbor’s.
This drives Dolly Gee Squeakers (formerly of the Humane Society Squeakers) mad. She sits, for hours, in the window, unblinking, the ice cubes in her gin and tonic slowly melting.
With the heat of the summer finally breaking, the cats are free from the confines of the duplex proper and are now allowed out on to the three-season porch; and while Liza Bean Bitey (of the Minneapolis Biteys) divides her time between following Willie (who looms as a deity in her eyes) and speaking cryptically into her new Blackberry about “coups” and “land grabs”, Dolly Gee has settled her long-haired butt into one of the many windows at the front of the house, anxiously awaiting the return of her rabbit.
As has been noted in previous entries on the cats, Dolly Gee has a lot to say and says it often. Of course, it all pretty much sounds the same, but I appreciate the way she fixes her bright blue and slightly crossed eyes on my face while she does it, her little black lips separating to reveal a number of gaps in her gums…
Apparently Dolly Gee has gingivitis.
A cat with gingivitis.
Live and learn, huh?
Her lack of teeth does not, however, prevent her from chattering with desire for the neighborhood bunnies, and her fuzzy little paws twitch with blood lust.
I’ve promised her that should she ever catch the rabbit that there will be a celebration in her honor, say refreshments and snacks in the backyard, maybe a couple acoustic guitars. Liza Bean rolled her eyes upon hearing this, but Dolly seems genuinely excited at the prospect.
In the meantime, she’s out on the porch, plotting and daydreaming of the moment she is free to give chase.
Even the kitties have dreams.
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I have a pet rabbit at home (my daughter's) and we let him out for about an hour each day. The cats and the rabbit play cops and robbers all over my living room chasing each other around. They love each other but pretend to be from rival mafia families.
Again I'm laughing aloud, brilliant!
Rabbits are the only animal that Nala has yet to catch. An adult rabbit that is, she tore up a warren and took care of an entire brood once but that is it.
Unfortunately, she is getting on in years and won't be catching any vermin anytime soon. Oh, and she had gum disease too.
Perhaps you need to rent "Fatal Attraction" for Dolly Gee. (The female gets her rabbit in that flick.)
Hmmm. Dolly Gee IS a huge Glenn Close fan... Wonder if she's seen it? :-)
I never pictured rabbits running around on the streets of Minnesota. Sweet dreams, Dolly Gee.
Before our cat, Rocky, the red hot rocker was ruthlessly run down at the end of our drive...he was a lean mean killin' machine. Rabbits, squirrels, chipmunks, birds, frogs, bugs; if it moved Rocky got it. The day he got the rabbit my black and white cat was black and pink (from rabbit blood). He also got really really sick and we almost lost him. I think that episode used up his last life cause he didn't stand a chance against the car that got him. Moral of the story....keep your fuzzy babies inside, there are some nasty cat killing germs out there amongst the wildlife.
owwww, shiver. All this talk of chasing, and killing. My human and I are happy I haven't followed this path...altho I understand that Nature instills the hunting instinct in most others. But I'm a lover, not a hunter, and offer willing friendship to all cats and rabbits I've met. I just don't know why they run away.
to be a fly on the wall of cat dreams... wait... no, bad choice - cats kill flies. To be a video camera with sound in a high corner of cat dreams...
Ah, the joys of being owned by cats.....especially cats with gingivitis......I just finished with that job for my precious visit and assorted tests.....$250........actual cleaning of teeth including anesthetic and fluid treatment....$190.
Ouch, but worth it....her breath is much better and she is no longer in pain. I feel like a rotten mother...should have done it years ago.
But, I digress....what I really intended to say is that I adore both Liza Bean and Dolly Gee.
I'm sure all kitty dreams involve chasing and killing. Even after they've been to the vet and are left with those endearing gaps in their killing teeth by The Gingivitis.
If only they'd listened to our advice about brushing and flossing!
Mama Cass Elliot would be so proud.
Eddie Rabbit would be appalled.
We had a cat at one time who felt the same way about squirrels!
To be clear, the kittehs never actually run free. Each one gets a tiny little harness (Liza Bean's is camouflage, Dolly's is pink with genuine fake diamonds) and after several weeks of dragging a lead in the backyard, the lead can now be left in the house. The kitties wear their harnesses, secure in the knowledge that they cannot leave the backyard whilst wearing them, and I am free to sit at the picnic table and watch them stare, slit-eyed, at the birds on the telephone wires between the houses...
Silly aminals.
Oh, to live in a neighborhood with bunnies running around...
Gingivitis is a huge problem amongst Minnesota cats?
My cats are too busy fighting each other to bother with other animals. All boys, what can I say?
Dream on Dolly Gee Squeakers!
Everybody has dreams. That part i knew. But everybody has gingivitis. That one, I didnt ! ;)
I miss having a cat. I visited my K today, but her cats were in hiding.
Dolly Gee I wish you much success in your hunt for the small rabbit.
"...and her fuzzy little paws twitch with blood lust."
Such a cute would-be assassin.
It would be nice if Dolly Gee got her rabbit one day. She could relive it forever.
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