I may be wrong – there’s been precedence set, after all – but I think Liza Bean Bitey (of the Minneapolis Biteys) is up to no good.
She entered the room the other morning, sat nonchalantly on her fuzzy, striped butt, and made an elaborate show of licking her back leg.
I knew immediately that something was afoot.
As a preface, I have to say that I’ve always known cats to be dangerous. Look at them, all precious and playful. They are fuzzy little bundles of cuteness, and yet if they got any bigger you wouldn’t be able to keep them in the house. They don’t need us, not really; and there’s something shifty about their ability to sleep 22 out of every 24 hours.
I'm actually a little jealous.
Lately, though, there have been mysterious phone calls on her cell phone in the middle of the night. She takes these calls in the bathroom, closing the door behind her and running the water. She knows that drives me crazy! I can’t imagine who’s on the other end. Who could it be? She never lets me see the bills, but I overheard her the other day telling the tortoiseshell next door that she was expecting a “communiqué” from Kuala Lumpur and that things were “about to go down”.
Last Friday, I came across her notebook – entirely in French. When did she learn French?
And when does she find the time to write?
What can I do? She’s paid through the end of the month, and everyone knows the laws are geared more toward the tenant than they are the landlord.
Look. I know it’s making me paranoid. I acknowledge this. But just what is it that’s “about to go down”? What’s in the communiqué? How long has this been going on, anyway? Honestly, I’ve been nothing but good to that cat, but then again I am also the one who insisted on having her spayed. Could she be holding that against me?
Could Liza Bean Bitey's spaying have become an international event?
No. This is bigger than that. Frankly, I’m thinking of hiring a food taster. I don’t think that would be out of line, do you? Do you think that –
Wait. What was that? Did you hear that?
The cat’s on the phone again.
I tell you, it sends shivers down my spine.
About Gregg Jevin
1 day ago
Don't mess with it. You just do your job (producing food) and she'll do hers.
Bossy, you're probably right. Still...
More importantly, when did she grow thumbs, to help with that whole writing thing???
If you need that communique translated, I can do my best. What's the French word for "catnip"?
She might be applying for the new IMF job. I heard there is now an opening.
MJenks, I don't know how she does it! I mean, she may not have thumbs, but she manages to play the violin beautifully, so you tell me!
You're my favorite. And I'd love to hear the story of how you neutered a female cat. Do share!
R. Jacob, good point. She HAS displayed an interesting in Accounting in the past...
Suitcase, oh, dammit. I knew I'd get something wrong there. :-) Going to fix it now... :-)
Are you sure she isn’t dealing ‘nip along the estate?
I believe there was a truckload of Catnip hijacked near the docks yesterday – I saw it on the news.
Does she have access to a Gorilla mask at all?
And by "Fix" you mean the post, not the cat, right? I'd assume that's already been done. Have a wonderful day Pearl!!!
She may be the leader of the apocalypse this Saturday movement, really just a ruse for you and others to sign over everything to her.
She's probably got one of those flexible pens that she can wrap around her paw... then thumbs become irrelevant. The French? Well, there are online courses. She probably logs plenty of time on the computer while you are at work.
Have you though of putting spycams around the house? Just a thought...
22 out of 24, If ya notice 22 shifted is @@ so You can assume shes watching all the time.
Cats are the original Sleeper Cells so you know something big is coming.
I laughed aloud from the moment I began reading. It is sooo funny, you are just brilliant, an absolute DELIGHT to read! :o)
(you should do a book of her exploits!)
I've just noticed that you are going to write a book ... oh, please do it about her, I'll put an order in now! :o)
Another great cat post.
I have always been suspicious why my cat Alice goes running to the phone each time it rings, while the sound of a newly opened soda bottle sends her running in terror.
I suspect now she's been taking calls.
Possibly even communiques.
Dog help us.
You're going to have to pay for that spaying with your own blood, lady.
I smell an International Jewel Heist in the making. She probably won't off you though, she needs you to purchase the "good shrimp" and cats are famous for never killing those who provide the good stuff.
I hope she gets the Hope Diamond this time, it'll look fabulous with her Juicy track suit.
Just be careful. Keep your eyes and ears open and be ready for anything. Let us know how it goes.
Oh my. Beware of any new slavic-looking cats loitering around the back door. And make sure to latch the deadbolt. Can she unlock it? Mercy...
I am TREMBLING!!! (:-o
I knew those felines were up to something. I'll bet it has to do with the end of the world on Saturday.
Secret is the keyword. Cats love it. your post is so funny today. Thanks.
So many great lines! Please keep on :)
Yeah, cats - you're right they really don't need us. We are just a useful lesser species.
Please pass this on to Michele (or "Liza Bean", as you know her).... "The dog is on the leash" again, that is "the dog is on the leash."
She'll understand.
Gotta watch your back with these cats these days! Sneaky little devils! Stay alert! =-) Ya knew know what could happen!
Do you have U3A in Minneapolis and do you know if Liza is an undercover member ? If so she could hold the prestigious post of chief planner and organizer of Murder Mystery Weekends or perhaps she has joined the 'parlez cvous fraincaise ' group for conversatione
Keep an eye on her if she takes up filigree tatting her cover will be blown and you will know for sure
The rapture's on Saturday, Pearl. Duh.
She owes the Chinese retraunt down the street some money from those darn horse races and the calls are mere pleadings to keep her from being almond "chicken"
You guys are HILARIOUS! So many theories! Who knew cat-based intrigue was so widespread?!
p.s. Thursdays are always crazy days for me and I don't always get to comment. Just know that I am here and wondering just what kind of people read my blog. :-) You're funnier than I am, I'll tell you that much!
I bet she's making prank calls. A sphincter says what?
Oh that Liza Bean. Having her around would make me more nervous than (wait for it......) a cat on a hot tin roof! (lame, I know. It's all I got today).
Cats + cell phones are nothing but trouble.
You ask how does she find the time to WRITE? I'm asking how does she manage to hold the frickin' PEN?
Check her mouth for titanium teeth. Maybe she's with the Seals.
I'd eat out, if I were you!
I never underestimate cats - they know all!! Yesterday I got to pet a 3 legged cat and he seemed to have adapted perfectly except for that ear scratching thing on the right side - so I gave him a little help! W.C.C.
She's smuggling catnip, isn't she?
Have to go, I'm being watched by the "soft footed".
You have one smart cat!
I think that she is definitely up to something, but I don't think that Liza Bean would attempt to hurt you. You KNOW you could get her journal and use Google Translate, maybe pick up on a few of the things she has written in there.
I do love my Liza Bean tales... And I'm not the least bit surprised that she speaks French.
Oh Pearl, If I was you, I'd be buying the expensive cat food until this passes ;-)
xo jj
This certainly made me smile....having 2 cats myself I can completely relate! LOL Have a great day!!
You better watch your back! I hope that cat has a good cellphone plan what with all the international calls.
I think you might need to look at installing a webcam to keep an eye on her while you're away.
Have you considered getting a dog?
Have you offended her maybe?
She could be annoyed that you write about her and she doesn't get any repeats. She's probably planning with her agent to bring you down dear. I should offer her something pretty quick.
Rofl. I found you on Best Posts of the week. Your blog is hilarious! I loved this post so much! -Lola http://www.dreaminginafishbowl.blogspot.com
HHHMMMmmm... Looks like time for proactive counterattack measures! I'd leave a cat transporter cage, ticket to OZ and newspaper clipping about the mouse plague downunder in plain view and see what transpires ...
Hey Pearl! I can only say it so many times; Evil. Indigo
There is no doubt about it: there is mischief afoot.
And when you add in an entire leg, stretched in feigned casualness?
I smell T-R-O-U-B-L-E.
Or is that just cat breath?
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