A re-worked re-post in honor of my sister, who is buying me lunch today.
Yay! Free food!
This one's for you, Ka-en.
Somewhere in our early 30s, my sister and I lived together. It was a good time; and when our sons were away on the weekends, as sometimes happened, we’d use the quiet time to get loud.
Shots of vodka and Rollerblades. Do you have any idea how well these things go together? Trust me: a drunk chick on skates has no fear and no compunction against, saying, skating to the grocery store to get smokes.
It’s how we both learned to spin.
Karen and I are “happy” drinkers, and are known for laughing until tears roll down our faces.
I remember coming into the kitchen in time to see her head in the fridge, an odd “pssssssssssst” sound coming from its interior.
“Whatcha eatin’?”
“Come ‘ere! Come ‘ere! Wanna know something really tasty?” She held up the Redi-Wip container. “Open your mouth!!”
Ah, why not?! I opened my mouth and Karen filled it with whipped cream.
“Hey, you wanna know something else cool?”
Do I wanna know what else is cool? You mean there's more?!
She pulled me to to the floor, opening a cupboard. Reaching in, all the way to the back, she pulled out a box of saltine crackers and one of those cans of pre-made fudge frosting.
“Put this on ‘ere. Try it.”
Well hot damn, if fudge frosting isn’t good on a cracker!
“Whatcha eatin’” became a joke. We would call each other at work, leave whispered messages on voice mail: Whatcha eatin’? We would yell it at each other through the bathroom door: Hey! Whatcha eatin’?
One day, I was downstairs cleaning the litter box. Exhausted from a day of work and preceding days of cleaning houses, I sat on the floor, hunched over and brain-dead, sifting through the litter box using a large slotted spoon.
Karen walked by me, glanced, kept going – and then stopped, backed up to take a second look.
“Whatcha eatin’?”
I can never look at a slotted spoon without remembering that: the sifting of the cat poop, the look on Karen’s face as she backed up…
The simplest memories are the best.
MAGA Cultist Encounter
10 hours ago
Ahh living with sisters can be so much fun! I lived with my sister and one of my best friends for about two years and the 'kid-free' weekends could be such a blast!
A perfect in-joke
Absolutely love it! Sisters are the best!
Wonderful story! Lucky you to have such a relationship with your sister.
Kitty Roca - a dog's best treat. :-)
Can't beat this kind of humour! LOL
Just snorted my coffee through my nose! LOL!
One of my friends has a dog who cleans out the litter box. I hear it's the favourite treat of some of our K-9 family.
I lived with my sister for 3 or 4 months when I was 19. She lived on Merritt Island near Cocoa Beach and I surfed, it seemed a good idea at the time. It turned out not to be. If she hadn't run a charm school for teenage girls at the time, I might have moved out quickly.
Excellent story. Sounds like it was a good time. :)
I wish I'd had a sister to have such good times with. Actually, I wish you'd been my sister. Now I have to go rummage through my kitchen where I'm pretty sure there are some old Saltines who stale taste can be obscured with enough fudge frosting.
Now this is why I always wanted a sister. When brothers say stuff like that you have to quickly throw away whatever you were about to eat. And I don't mean the obvious stuff like what's in a litter box :)
Okay, that is funny.
Have you tried the whipped cream flavored vodka. It comes in regular and chocolate flavors?
I need to tell you that this is one of my favorite posts of yours, ever...so much so that I have copped that phrase and use it with wild abandon ever since that day it met my eye and tickled my soul. And I have to stop doing whippets before I write. And I'm not talking about dogs here. Eww...no, that's gross.
Almond Roca!!!
Kitty Cigars are a food fit for the gods to my dogs.
That's pretty gross, ain't it?
In-joke running gags are my favorite kind of humor. But yeah, this may color my relationship with slotted spoons.
Now I know what's been missing in my life...a sister! Ya got one I can borrow?
Hah! Nice one.
That's so true about memories. I hope you had a great lunch. What'd cha eat?
This is without doubt the Best Sister story I have read.
I am a happy drinker too .. I don't wake up with headaches, my sides hurt because I laugh so much. silly me ~
There is little in this world I like more than free lunch and little more in this world I cringe at doing than cleaning the litter box for all three cats.
I love it! My sister and I never lived together, but we are close. Even though she lives about 90 miles away, we talk on the phone several times per day!
LOL. Insider jokes are the best.
One of our cats covers her business by pawing the litter so enthusiastically that she flings it out of the box.
I'm a proud parent of an Archeologist.
I've licked bugs off a windshield (really!), so nothing really grosses me out. Until this.
1) Whip cream from the can is a food group here.
2) Fudge frosting goes with everything.
3) I have nothing witty to say about the kitty litter. :)
Oh dear god. Cat poop.
Karen sounds a scream. Does it run in the family?
Weird things I eat:
cold cheese hot dogs
peanut butter and fried egg sandwich
cheddar cheese with apples
Love this!
I must admit that at the part of the story when you "Took the whipped cream" I was about to get even more excited but then I realized that you were talking about your sister....BAD SAUSAGE go get the hose....
my apologies to you and your family
And now, when I empty the cat's litter tonight after work, I'll think of this, too. So thanks for that.
Sisters are great. Your story made me smile. I think I'll call my sister.
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