Today’s topic is my overwhelming and well-deserved hangover.
Ohhhhhhhhhh. The long-suffering William Throckmorton the Third's band is playing, let’s go to Mayslack's, says I. Let's get a great big table, says I.
Let’s have another beer, says I.
And now, judging by the pain, I seem to be missing bits of my skull and/or actual brain; not because I’ve found anything untoward lying about the house but because, clearly, I am not the woman today that I was yesterday.
Today’s Pearl is 45% slower witted, 75% more mascara-caked, and 100% sure she won’t be having another beer for quite some time.
Numbers are estimated and not to be used for gambling purposes.
On the plus side, an evening of laughter, absolutely true stories and a successful avoidance of cigarettes (that's 29 days and counting, for those of you keeping score) with the people of Northeast Minneapolis is something worth paying for, even if it may have been with brain cells…
Hmm. I may want to rethink that.
But definitely not right now.
If anyone needs me, I shall be lying in the dark, trying to remember why I felt I had to have that last beer.
About Gregg Jevin
17 hours ago
That last drink always seems like a good idea....until the next morning.
Your previous post about your POS reminded me of my piece of ___. This car had a broken driver's side lock, so to get in, I had to open the passenger's side and lean in--my fat butt on display--and unlock the driver's side from the inside. (The gearshift and bucket seats prevented me from just getting in and sliding across.) This was not too bad until those times when I was driving a friend somewhere, and then I would have an audience to watch the floorshow.
I'M SO SORRY YOU'RE NOT FEELING WELL! (Oops. I should not be shouting with you in such a delicate state.)
very much like the non smoking!
i lost count on the days for my slaying the tobacco beast, but i too was at the bar last night and had the one drink more than necessary...
but i also avoided the smokietreats!
good job! pearl
I will whisper this vewy, vewy quietly...
Well done on the not smoking. If you can get completely hammered and not absent-mindedly accept a cigarette you're doing fine.
AHHHH, those 'coulda, shoulda, woulda's' get you everytime, don't they? I 'shoulda' not had that last beer! well, my dear, you did so I suggest you 'could'a' make your day better and I 'would-a' stay in bed, with the lights out!
I hope you feel better...
I'm off the smokes 7 years on 17th March, it was tough at the start but don't miss the feckers one bit now.
But NOBODY takes my beer away, got that?!
Party on missus! :¬)
Poor you... but it sounds like it was worth it. Congrats on your 29 days.
Do you have any idea WHAT your cats were up to last night while YOU were out cattin' around?
You might want to check on that....
Only if they served beer on the bus, then we'd have an explosive melange of great Pearl posts! Maybe you can sneak a six-pack on to share with your fellow riders and their shovels!
You had that last beer because no one can avoid their destiny. Besides, you had to celebrate the non-smoking days somehow, yes?
You curl up on the couch with your blanket Pearl and I'll just be in the kitchen fixing you a nice cup of hot, sweet tea and some little wedges of buttered toast.
Ssssshhh. : )
Once you co-ordinate your smoke/beer ratio in correct order it will all work out fine. Now it's nice to see that you actually do drink enough to have a hangover. I am such a chicken to go that route.
aw you poor thinghope the day gets better hugs
First, let's address the hangover. As a man of almost unlimited experience in that area, I can tell you there are only two known remedies:
Alka-Seltzer or a bit of the "hair of the dog." I can tell you that combining the two doesn't work quite as well.
And, sweets, it wasn't the last beer that got you. It was the many last beers...
Congrats on the smoking cessation. I am keeping score.
I had a friend who swore beer & tomatoe juice the next morning would work everytime for a hangover. Not sure what that would taste like, but who cares if it works.
Oh, owe. So sorry. I think I'll go get one of those hangovers tonight.
Congratulations on the 29 days non-smoking - good job.
I have been brought here via Evil Bruce's blogroll and I must say that by golly, I thoroughly enjoy your writing style. And that I too am hungover today. Maybe not to the point of missing brainstuffs, but I'm not myself.
Congrats on your ongoing win in the tobacco war!
Are you sure it was that last beer? It may have been that 5th or 6th one. After that it really dont matter. You might as well keep drinking.
This has happened to me ... but not with beer.
The first time it was ...are you ready? Singapor Slings. My first drink. The last time I had one of those.
I hear food helps.. greasy food .. I wouldn't know because the first time was the last time I ever let myself get in the position for that much pain.
feather light besos to your aching brow .. C
I think your only recourse is to continue drinking. Is this not the weekend?
29 days! I'll drink to that.
If you can go out drinking and still not manage to smoke, that's just awesome. Congrats.
Sorry about the hangover though.
Congrats on the non cancer sticks!! Proud of you Pearl...BTW how was Willie's band?
Feel better, dear. *tip toes away*
Congrats on the no smoking...that last beer is a killer the next day. Find a giant greasy burger and fries and your world will change.
Delicate, schmelticate. Ya drinks too much, ya suffer da next day and ya deals wid it. Hope you had fun, though!
You are my role model.
I also wish I hadn't had that last beer last night. It made this morning awful. At least you're still witty when you're hungover.
Mascara caked?? Shame on you. All make up must be cleansed off before going to bed, no matter how drunk you are. So sayeth my mother, who is currently dead, so don't listen to her.
Sounds like a great time was had. Congrats on the non-smoking!
Im not sure you can blame that last beer for your condition Pearl...clearly someone spiked your drinks while you werent looking. I suggest you find that person and thank them..
Hehe, the beer will be back... no one can stop it! Kudos on avoiding the sticks of doom though :)
glad to know the quitting is working out - K's and mine is going strong on seven days now - seven 24 hour periods that is - plus an hour and nine minutes - but who's counting?
It is not a true drunken night unless you sleep in your car.....
Congratulations on 29 days! And try eating a heavy meal... always helps me :-)
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