I am firmly of the opinion that every move we make, every breath we take, every vow we break should be painstakingly sent out across the worldwide web 140 characters at a time.
Do I really believe that? Do I really want to receive updates on whether or not someone has gone to the mall, has showered, has finally gotten the bacon just right?
Turns out I do not.
I set up a Twitter account, once, just after it became available. It was roughly 30 minutes before a friend found out about it.
He called solely for the purposes of abusing me.
"Really? Twitter? What are you, Edward R. Murrow, reporting from the trenches?"
"Everybody's doing it," I muttered lamely.
"If everybody suddenly had a hold of the good acid, would you be doing that, too?"
"Why? What have you heard?"
He wouldn't tell me, of course.
Selfish, that's what he is.
So I never did tweet; and the world was forced to go on without me, possibly wondering if I ever got over my Fresca addiction or whether or not I ever got off the couch the morning after the evening with the cash card and access to a taxi.
Sometimes a little mystery is a good thing.
RUN! On Great Tribulation
8 hours ago
Pearly Girly...you may not have tweeted about it...but the taxi driver did.
Man, did you have a good time!
Sweet Cheeks, and here I thought he didn't speak English!
I would think Liza Bean would eat anything that tweeted.
Oh, I #TWEET as though no one is listening.
'Cause no one ever is. . .
Hi Pearl....
Thanks for stopping by to say Hi to us......
As for whether or not Liza Bean and Madi would become BFF...it is doubtful....for you see Madi
is a Diva and is quite adamant that there be no other that there be no other four legged creatures in her domain. AKS she is a spoiled rotten only sweet kitty and loves it that way. I think she would be happy if her Dad would just leave her alone except for meal times.
Madi and Mom
Simply, dang it! I wish I'd thought of that!
A Mom on Spin, you know, I've seen some clever tweets, but don't think I could do it in such a short space!
Mom/Madi, they do have a way with that diva thing, don't they?
Oh please come and tweet with us... you will have soooo much fun I promise. will get you hooked. Dollow me docnolz and I will introduce you to a whole bunch of fellow bloggers on twitter. It's like a big extended family.
I have thought about setting up a twitter account but have decided not to for the same reasons you have decided not to use yours...Seriously, no one wants to know that I make up songs constantly (usually about my dogs) and how many times I think about monkeys in a day (even though we all know everyone loves monkeys). ;)
Clearly he is selfish! If he ever decides to share any info, make sure to share it with us all! :)
Despite being an IT guy and supposedly fond of high-tech, I have yet to actually even see a twitter page. I guess it's one of those things you can't live without only after you've tried it, and I have too many of those already.
I have no idea what tweeting is and I don't even want to know. I'm on facebook and I open it and say "who are these people and why are they saying things here?". Damn!
Yeah tweeting is over-rated, I think. But some people really go for it. Perhaps they need a life.
I don't understand any of the social networking. Is blogging considered to be in that category though? Great post though, following and looking forward to more. :)
Great read! Looking forward to reading your next post.
I determined early on that I do not wish to be in such constant contact. FB is enough for me!
*hangs head in shame*
I can be found on twitter.
But I leave the inane and attention seeking updates of my existence to Facebook.
I have a Twitter account, and I can't bring myself to use it. Honestly, don't people get enough of me on my blog and Facebook and Networked blogs and . . . ?? Being too much in touch with people is already overkill. Unless I like, want to have sex with you (not you, Pearl), in which case, I do prefer the phone.
Well, not phone sex--that totally sounded like I'm ready for phone sex, which I'm totally not! Just, er, give me a ring, and THEN we'll meet to have sex. Ya know?
Although I'm totally not asking anyone for sex right now. At all.
twitter creeps me out!
Ah but we all know the Fragrant One tells lies...its right there in her name. and I totally think you're hittin' on the Pearl, Liar.
LoL, tweet tweet tweet : )
First it was all the thumb typing where complete sentences were no longer allowed. Then came the tweeting where 'the man' was forcing me to be brilliant in 140 characters or less. I can be but I choose not to be. I refuse to be a part of this dumbing down revolution. I suffered to be a typing master and my genius thoughts need time and space to live and breath. Twitter is great if you are in a foxhole under enemy attack but I only need to know about your mundane daily lives if you are being attacked by something exotic. Otherwise, count me out.
I will admit to Tweeting, but only for works purposes. It turns out to be surprisingly useful for that, especially when you need to do a bit of industrial espionage in times of trouble. :)
I agree, mystery is good. Blogging, even better.
I tweet only twice a week. Blog entries only.
Like you, I set up a Twitter account years ago. It didn't last. I find blogging to be egomaniacal enough, wouldn't you say? Who care what I ate for lunch? Not even I.
I relish watching the squirrels in my yard. I use to hate them and now that they have been hiding acorns in the mulch I may hate them again soon but for now the little fuckers are playing and I love it.
You may not tweet Pearl - but Liza Bean is and she's spreading all kinds of shameful rumors about you. Just thought you'd want to know....
Hey Pearl! For eighty glorious days I tweeted like a demon. Some of it was pretty cool, so I started a blog to keep track of it. It was hard keeping up, but fun. I started adding little scenes to set the stage, and they got longer and longer. I don't tweet like that any more, and in the end my entries took over the blog. But from that simple beginning, IndigoWrath and (curiously) Indigo Roth came to life. Which is bizarre and cool and special. Indigo x
I'd follow you anywhere, Pearl!
I had a Twitter account, but I closed it. I got tired of getting a lot of really stupid tweets eating up my battery life on my blackberry.
I am happy to meet another non-tweeter. i completely agree - a little mystery is a good thing. thanks for stopping by my place earlier.
Pearl, you're a gem. Yeah, bet you never heard that one before.
But I don't do Twitter. Too many twits.
I have tried and tried to understand Twitter but I guess I am just too old...I don't get it!!
I cannot possibly expose my complete stupidity in just 140 characters.
I guess I can't say "never", since I said "I'll never get on Facebook", and I find it to be very handy in keeping up with people- I've been able to stop going to a bunch of different forums because all the people I want to talk to are now in one place- plus I've talked more to my own brother in the year I've been on Facebook than in the entire rest of our lives.
And I thought the whole "blog" experience was a trivial waste of time...7 months and 81 posts later, I've met NEW friends and follow almost 20 people's lives-thru-blogging.
But ya. I think I will do without tweeting...
See, and here I was totally wondering what you had for lunch, and what you are going to watch on TV tonight.
Oh I'm on Twitter. I'm addicted in fact. I absolutely love it. It does take a while to "get it" but once you do it's lots of fun.
I waited until about 11 days ago to try Twitter. I'm still not sure why I haven't stopped. It's like I'm waiting for for something magical to happen, but so far just mundane stuff. I did the same thing with Facebook. Will you still respect me tomorrow?
A brave new world where everyone thinks every single thing they do all day long matters to everyone else across the globe
I got a twitter account to keep track of my busy husband, but then felt obligated for some reason to post my own tweets. I became very depressed when I realized how BORING I am and how I have NOTHING to tweet about.
Twitter for me is just a painful reminder that I have no life.
For me blogger and some FB is plenty. I don't need or want twitter. However this flutter idea sounds intriguing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeLZCy-_m3s
The Fragrant Liar up there doesn't need twitter just your comment section.
If the following fits in twitter - go ahead you can use it:
Ah right now I'm commenting on what is typically a very funny blog but today it's about that lame twitter.
I have a feeling if you were on Twitter, you'd entertain us with your observations. I started tweeting not too long ago and never talk about things I eat or watch (well, almost never). There are a lot of hilarious people I follow for their witty one-liners. Mystery bites!
When someone can explain to me WHY, I might consider it. Nah, not likely. I feel similarly about Facebook.
i am so getting over my twitter/FB accounts...i have come to feel pretty much the same...mine are on life support. i update about once a week at this point...wellI certainly know more now about FL as well...lol.
Blogger took my comment and flung it into the ether world, so I'll try again if I can remember what I just said.
I also signed up for Twitter but after tweeting a few times, felt it was too stupid.
I never understood Tweeting but it does seem to appeal to some people. Likewise, I found Facebook too time demanding. Glad you are blogging though. So no short notes .... we want the full details that the taxi driver left out in his tweet.
I agree. I don't have a Twitter account, and I probably never will.
Sorry Pearlchen, but sometimes, just occasionally ... once in a while, when the cheesy moon turns blue ... you loose me!
It's prob'ly a just 'man'-thing or, far more likely, an 'English'-thing, and can't be helped.
Now I'm feeling depressed!
And here's me thinking I'd cracked American humour at last!
140 charterers? That's my intro! And twitter = shitter egomaniacs!!!
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