It never fails, does it?
The simplest, easiest of days: breakfast with Mary and Ginny, a little antique shopping. Seems innocent enough, doesn’t it?
Oh, you are so naïve.
Sure, one minute you’re picking up an adorable little framed photo, circa 1890, of a fat baby boy on a rug, and the next minute you’re at a large gathering, ordering a dirty martini.
Well, no, to be honest the day’s breakdown went as follows:
Hashbrowns, pancakes, coffee, shopping shopping shopping, beer beer beer, dinner, drink drink, cigarette, drink drink, stumble stumble stumble.
And that brings us current.
I’m pretty sure that could be set to music, but I’m in no shape to do it.
The best of times seem to spring themselves on you, don’t they?
Why is that?
RUN! On Great Tribulation
10 hours ago
This is so true. I find that events we carefully plan never live up to the fun we have when parties just create themselves when we are not expecting it.
Wish I could have been there!
The things that spring are often the most worthwhile. As long as you can remain standing (-ish) and remember the fun the following day...
Spontaneity... the best party there is! One thing leads to another...
Sounds great to me!
Any night that start with low expectations and includes beer is normally a winner :)
Plans are the invisible classroom we take with us upon graduation, good times are really great things to watch out the window between exams.
You keep me laughing! I am playing catch up on your stories and have done nothing but chuckle all morning! You are awesome!
I think we all like pleasant surprises, and when we're spontaneous, we are always surprised at what comes next. That's my take on it anyway. Plus just being with people you really like makes it that much easier to just let go and have fun, despite the hangover potential.
You had me at hashbrowns.
Alcohol is always good. Especially when it's snowing....and the roads are blocked and the power keeps going out and I'm wearing like three sweatshirts. Bloody marys for breakfast and then guiness for's lovely, just lovely! (I'm sorry, who's going to shovel??)
That's because the universe knows how to throw a party without human planning mucking it up!
Here's hoping you enjoyed every single minute of it....with no after-affects. Its the after-affects that tend to ruin things, you know.
Any party that is planned like 'New Year's' or Canadian Thanksgiving is always a train wreck. It's those times when you go out for ONE drink after parent teacher interviews that turn into a saloon brawl just like the old cowboy Yellowknife an actual SALOON called the 'Gold Range' where they actually do have a screen in front of the stage to prevent bottles from being thrown at the band. You don't know how much I admire you, you magnificent booze broad you.
I always remember a story that Johnny Depp told David Letterman about hanging out on his boat with Elizabeth Taylor and how much of a real 'BROAD' she was. It was the way he said the word that made her sound old school fun to be around. I suspect you are the same.
It's especially nice when you can remember the goods times.
Do you remember the '80s?
I don't.
but I'm told I had a real good time.
"Three olives-shake-it-up and make it dirty."
Pink and Pearl are both living in my head.
How does one woman get so lucky!
D'ya wanna go shopping sometime, Pearl?
One day off can turn into a big party very easily :)
Too true. Nicely put!
spontenaity is king!
We went for an hour and 1/2 walk in the forest, then had wine and fahitas at the pub. So decadent!!!! Thank you for visiting My Muskoka !
Did you say CIGARETTE??????
You went off the wagon????
Sounds like the perfect day.
Sounds as though a good time was had be all ...
June in Oz
Yes, the best of times do tend to spring themselves on us. As John Lennon once said: "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans".
"Hashbrowns, pancakes, coffee, shopping shopping shopping, beer beer beer, dinner, drink drink, cigarette, drink drink, stumble stumble stumble."
I think I know this dance... is it Ike and Tina Turners 'Nutbush'?
It is like when I used to go to Madeleine's cousin's place, where all the people who didn't go away in August met up on Sundays. Things happened. Wine kept cool in the bucket in the well, lunch brought by the participants, then either sleep, ferocious political argument with wine slopping from the glasses, boules, or mad ideas that got all the cars out to go and visit troglodyte villages or to go into town and wake up the cousin's cousin to let us into the clubhouse and play babyfoot.
I think I should hang out a little with Chantal too! Bloody Mary's and Guiness! Now that's a girl after my own heart. P.S The picture of the chubby baby made it all worth it!!
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