It was with some horror that I discovered upon checking into the Sofitel late Wednesday afternoon that I was without the interwebs.
What kind of place makes you pay for the World Wide Web? Minneapolis has free wi-fi – and now 15 miles away – just what the hell is wrong with Edina?
I damn-near spit out my margarita.
I suppose that next I’ll be tipping my charwoman for a bit of extra coal for the fire. Perhaps for an extra farthing I won’t have to stand in line but can have the bathwater first…
I love staying in hotels – and yes, I’ve seen the news articles regarding the origin of the stains on the bedspread. I don’t care – as long as I can’t see it, it’s not there.
Hence the margarita.
I’ve also been known to eat hot dogs, too; so maybe I just have a death wish.
At any rate, we write, we save, we hit the Caribou in the morning and post.
And we’ll just have to be interwebs-free for the night.
About old films
2 days ago
My wife just spent a week living like a savage. Her parents don't have an internet connection in the house. How they can live like animals, I'll never know.
On the one hand, I paid $15 per day for internet access at the Monte Carlo in Vegas. On the other, the room was comped (less the access). On yet another hand, even Mickey-D's has free Wi-Fi here in the backwater town I live in. Wait a minute, how many hands do I have? I keep losing count.
Jeez, where are you staying, Ye Olde Inn?
Obviously you're re-webbed now, so you're good to go!
Take care,
one of the biggest casino's here doesn't offer wifi either...that is just crazy these days. I was so impressed that the 2 KOA camps we stayed in had free wifi..that justed rocked for me :-)) Enjoy your stay!
O dear Lord. What kind of back woods maw&paw operation are you booked into?
I am outraged for you!
Just about every hotel chain here charges for teh interwebs. Scandalous!
$15 is a steal compared to my last cellular phone bill. I was on vaca in the Dominican Republic, forgot to set my phone so it wouldn't 'check' for mail and guess what. $1000 roaming bill for the week I was there....
Still working on the outcome of that debacle. But aren't we just SO accustomed to our connectivity?!
Just have another margaritta, none of it will matter.
Your Charwoman?
Really ?!!!??
Your Charwoman?
I can't get the laugh off my face!
I love you!
Interweb in a hotel room? This is the stuff of science-fiction surely?
omg I would have to be REVIVED if I had no internet.
Yeah. I'm addicted. damn.
My goodness! Even while traveling for medical reasons and not knowing where we would end up staying for the night, free wi-fi was a must! Picture 2 adults with laptops with the usual internet addictions and 1 post-surgical teenager itching to get at her email even while doped to the gills with Percoset and Valium and NO WI-FI?!!! It was not even a consideration. No wi-fi, no hotel stay. Geez, even West Virginia had free wi-fi........
hah, I had to come back and read that again.
The Charwoman!
I remain slain.
If there was world wide wifi then ghosts start to attack and kill us. I saw it in a movie so it must be true.
LOL !!
Whats with Edina ?
I may have an answer to that....
You should know, being a Minnesotan, that people in edina are better than you, just ask one, they'll be happy to tell you as much. Why?
Because they live in Edina.
Where all your dreams come true!
Mashed ham and potatoes too!
Let's wish upon falling star!
The cities wi-fi is too far!
A friend of mine paid $30 an hour for internet access. Uhm, that is ok. I'll just "suffer."
Are you on holdiay in Zamunda? Ahhh, how I love the royal bathers.
You can do it; remember the days without TV clickers and computers???
(I hope you do)
Enjoy the marguarita!
I, too, LOVE hotels (but the beds are always bad). Means an adventure is happening.
And a tryst in a little run-down shack, heavenly and dirty all at once.
In my travels, I have found that often the most expensive hotels nickel-and-dime you for stuff that cheaper places throw in for free. The W in Chicago hit you for everything, including $4 drip coffee in the lobby (complete with leaky lids on every single cup), but I recently stayed at a family-owned $69 a night place that had free wi-fi, free huge breakfast, free snacks, free bottled water...go figure.
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