Things fall into patterns, don’t you think? Why, just the other day, I realized I had not used the word “mutter” in quite some time, and then what happens? I run into the Rap Whisperer on the light rail, the one I nicknamed MC Mutter.
And now?
Muttering coming from the office across from me.
Sandra is in there.
And she’s muttering.
I fell for it, the first, oh, two dozen times. Dimwittedly – but persistently! – I would respond.
“What’s that, Sandra?”
“Oh, nothing. I’m just talking to myself.”
This happened with enough frequency that I no longer answer even if she’s talking to me.
She wants my attention?
She can throw a wad of paper at me like everyone else.
But what is this with the word repetition? Are there only so many words allotted to me, say, by month? I recall that last autumn I heard a lot of the words “hops and grains”.
It was an excellent time.
So if “mutter” is June’s Word of the Month, what do I have to look forward to in July? Can there be Words of the Month? How about “Heat stroke”? “Flagrant”?
How about “Bring Your Own Beer”?
I like that. "Bring Your Own Beer". There's a nice ring to it.
You know what? July’s going to be all right.
About old films
1 day ago
My husband and I have a friend who uses the phrase, "at the end of the day" waaayyyyy too much! We started making fun of him, and now he has tried to get another phrase, but every once in a while, it still seeps in. Everytime we hear it on TV or in conversation, we laugh.
I love summer “light” words. It accompanies the light reading pushed out by the publishing companies quite well.
Always good to take a few months off before the cold sets in and we’re back to “colonoscopy” and “court appointed attorney” words of the month.
Pearl, I think you should just re-invent the words you hear a lot..make them your own..muttering becomes schmuttering...whatever..
Bring Your Own Beer?
Bring Your Own Schbeer...
Schpeace - Schrene
My Hubby uses all kinds of phrases...that his father used before him. They are rather old fashioned phrases...
one is "...long story made short..."
Drives me crazy!
I know of a gent who says 'so on & so forth' for sentences he completes. At other times thats the sentence itslef.
but beer... Thats better. Than 'so on & so...froth' !
i'll let him know
It's July so better make it Bring Your Own Mojito.
Well, fall is the BEST time for beer, as the harvest beers are rolling out, along with the Oktoberfests, the darker beers, and it's a prelude to the warmly rich stouts and porters that come on in the winter.
Oh, curse you, hops allergy! *cries*
Now I'm going to be on alert, listening for overworked words.
Somebody has to stand up for the poor dears.
mhmhmhmhmhmhmhhmmhh *muttering*!!
Okay if I substitute rum and Coke?
June? Everyone knows mutter's day is in May.
Jeez, I crack myself up.
Mutter mutter...
Ever noticed how mutter rhymes with nutter? ;-9
My youngest boy is bad about his speech. I always tell him to untie his lips and speak like the man on the 6 o'clock news.
Pearl, I fall for it too! Every time, doggone it.
Husband is quite the mutter-er. But now I HEAR MUTTERING even when he's silent.
me: Wha?
Husband: I didn't say anything.
Grain and Hops,
It is the "if you blog it it will happen' phenomenon of which you speak. I've seen it as well. Very mysterious( I like that).
I also vote for the flagrant use of the expression ' to avoid heat-stroke, bring your own beer' for the July word phrase.
I'm going to start thinking about how I haven't used the phrase "bucket of gold bouillon" in a while.
At work, we all notice each other's vocal quirks. Although we deny them furiously of course. We're just a never ending game of management-speak bingo. Lost the power of the English language.
Erika, at the end of the day! I have a friend that uses the word “whatever” even when it doesn’t make sense. “We were in the backyard or whatever and I was thinking of starting the grill or whatever…”
De Campo, exactly. Summer words are so benign, while the winter words – and yes, they include “colonoscopy” and, I’m thinking “hidden fees may apply” – seem to hold a grudge…
Shrene, now we know where your daughter gets her artistic bent! I owe you one schbeer.
Ronda’s Rants, my mother says something that I’ve only heard one other person say: Might as well, can’t dance.
Has anyone else heard that one? Where did it come from?
Kavi, and so and so froth! Very nice. :-D
DouglasDyer, that’s gin, yes? The mojito? Gin and I had a falling out last year about this time, but maybe it’s time we made up…
iNDefatigable, a hops allergy?! Mwa ha ha hah haaaa! More beer for me!!! :-D
Warty Mammal, we should start a brigade in their defense. Now I will have to spend some time thinking about what to call it…
Roshni, muttering is very close to murmuring, don’t you think, only more disgruntled.
Jeanne, yes, especially if you bring extras.
Chris, dammit Chris! Why didn’t I think of that?! :-D
Ladyfi, what are you implying? :-D
@eloh, I’ve had a number of boyfriends who were major mutterers. What’s with men and speech?!
Ann, ha! There are certain people I’ve taken to saying “wha??” at even when I’ve understood them the first time!
Powdergirl, perfect! I’m adding this to all my party invites: We at Pearl and Big Willie’s are concerned for your health. To avoid heatstroke, please bring beer. And bring enough to share. You wouldn’t want to be selfish, would you?”
KMcJ, you know, I think it’s been quite a while since I used that phrase myself!
My husband must already belong to a word-of-the-month club.
I'll get you a subscription.
Husband always waits til I am 3 or 4 steps out of the room before he says something to me. I would dutifully walk back in and ask "what?". I tired of that little game and now I just keep walking. He can come find me if it's so important.
I'm speechless. (another way of saying "wordless")
Bring your own beer works for me!
Wait...didn't you just use that last week? But I like it...
Literally. People use 'literally' a lot at the moment.
My brother told me about someone he had a meeting with who suggested that he "literally badger people" to do something.
The images that brings to mind . . .
Madame DeFarge, we have someone at work who is continually “benchmarking” and “impacting” on things…
Lizspin, hmmm! Sounds like there’s a story in there. Would love to hear the words of the month!
Ellen, good for you! Took me years to figure that one out!
Douglas, I was just thinking of you. It’s been hot and humid here and I couldn’t help but think of you and your descriptions of Florida…
Braja, I used the word “mutter” last week, yes. And now I’m just so excited to see what words will come up for next week! :-D
The Jules, ah, you’ve hit on one of my word peeves. “Literally”. Ack. As for someone literally “badgering” someone else, I would pay good money for that. Perhaps we could get another person to “terrier” someone. What would you pay to see someone grabbed by the back of the neck and shook?!
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