I've been included in a Minnesota anthology "Under Purple Skies", now available on Amazon!

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My first chapbook, I Was Raised to be A Lert is in its third printing and is available both via the PayPal link below and on smashwords! Order one? Download one? It's all for you, baby!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Being Plankton Isn’t Looking Good, Either

In an effort to leave behind my Cops-watching ways, I spent time with “Planet Earth” the other night. Friday night’s viewing? “Ocean Deep”, the incredible creatures of the ocean and their continual search for food.

Considerable time was spent showing one milling, swarming group of fish being eaten by another milling, swarming group of fish.

Over and over, reference was made to “bait fish”.

Which lead me to some serious thinking.

And I decided that, if I had to be something other than human, if I had to choose, I would not choose to be something called “bait fish”.

I just can’t see that ending well.


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

This is a wise and seemingly well thought out decision on your part. My respect for your has definitely grown today.

KMcJoseph said...

Bait fish are also called "shads".

I know this because my friend's name is Shad.

KMcJoseph said...

Also, I love "Cops".

It got me through many a jetblue flight.

a mouthy irish woman? ridiculous! said...

so basically? you just switched to the "fish" version of "cops".

i'm picking up what your putting down sister.

Unknown said...

Bait fish, bait fish whatcha' gonna do?

Whatcha gonna do when they come for you?

Peace - Rene

Anonymous said...

No good comes from watching TV like that Pearl.

Fish are mobsters too....

Remember Liza's run in with 'Vinnie the Fin'?

Red Squirrel said...

David Attenbrough is a god amongst men :)

De Campo said...

I can’t wait to use this reference next weekend.

“Check it. Bait Fish, 10 o’clock, by the bar”

The Jules said...

Bait fish are the nerds of the ocean. Always getting picked on.

Makes no difference what they're called though. A fish by any other name would taste as . . .er . . . fishy.

anon said...

But what would you choose to be if you couldn't be human anymore?
I would choose to be light. Do you know how fast light goes? Sounds like a cool gig.

Barbara Blundell said...

You could be a bait fish if you would really like to live under the ocean. You would have to circulate it round the fish world that you are deadly poisonous-You only need to tell one or two gossipy haddocks or get a write up in "The Fish Times " about how positively lethal you are at all times- even a tiny sniff could cause convulsions..

Irish Gumbo said...

But one day, them bait fish are gonna get tired of being brutalized...and then its going to be like the Russian Revolution all over again! Who's first against the wall?!

There will be blood...

Pop and Ice said...

Bait fish......hmmmm....think I'll have some tuna fish for lunch. Thanks for the inspiration!

Kevin Musgrove said...

It always amuses me that the champions of our nation's morals point to nature documentaries as Things That Are Wholesome. And what happens in your typical David Attenborough? Fifty minutes of mayhem, murder and extra-marital screwing.

darsden said...


SweetPeaSurry said...

If I had to choose another form -- other than human -- I'd want to be a fairy, or a unicorn. Yup ... that's me ... unbelievably fairy tale'ish!

Pearl said...

You guys slay me.


We are all, in our way, bait fish, aren't we?

Life As I Know It said...

yeah, never a happy ending as a bait fish.
My kids love those nature shows. Have you seen The Deadliest Catch? Not always a happy ending for a king crab fisherman, either.

fingers said...

It's never going to end well down that end of any food chain, whether marine or terrestrial.
I reckon the dung beetle made a good choice though; it may eat shit for a living but I bet there's not much competition at meal time...

Chris said...

Yeah, when you're something in the Fooc Chain that's considered "Food", well, that doesn't bode well for your future. The best you can do is try to make yourself taste bad.