Some people’s homes are sleek and modern.
Me? My house is done in “Grandma”. It took me a long time to realize this, but now that I see it, damned if it ain’t all over the place…
While there are certainly a couple of good pieces of furniture, most of my household stuff has been purchased at garage sales, thrift stores, even found, abandoned, in alleys.
No, really.
Turn of the century artwork?

Depression Era glass? Doilies? Plants and piles of books everywhere? Check. If I could find that crying-onion cutting board – and if I could fit in the kitchen sink for a bath like I used to – I’d be right back at Grandma’s.
All this confinement to the house this past weekend has made me nostalgic. Looking around, it’s hit me what I’ve done. It’s not a recreation of the farm house by any means, but Grandma would be at home here.
I think we recreate where we are happiest, safest. It’s not always our grandmothers, of course, but how often has the hand that patted yours been freckled, the eyes that kindly held yours crinkly with old age.
I miss the old folks.
Awe how sweet Pearl. I miss my grandparents too. I lost my grandmother 3 days before Katrina.. it is like it hasn't registered yet...she was lost in the storm mother hasn't stopped yet and has yet to acknowledge it fully...!!! They were sweet Musical souls...I lived with them on and off when I was young!
Oh, Dar, that's so sad! I'm sorry that you had such tragedy piled one atop the other.
Nice post Pearl, I had the sweetest Grandma.
Darsden, I'm sorry. How very sad.
Hope you're feeling better this week. How I admire your wit and your output--even when you're sick.
You are a marvel!
My list of "artifacts from Grandma's House" include glass clowns, a glass candy bowl with lid, and ceramic figurines for each month of her grandkids' birthday (I'm February, so mine was a kid in skiing gear).
Thanks for jarring those memories, Pearl.
I miss old folks, too. Scary to think I could be the eldest in our family once my mom passes away.
My house is pretty much furnished with all of my parents' cast offs. So I have many nostalgic moments.
cross-stitch stuff? How about a cute china teapot in your glass cabinet?
My granny's place is full of those...and fresh flowers from her garden! Just loved it!
Hope you are feeling way you can switch medications, eh?!
Pearl -
Do you know of the Minnesotan band: The Divers? They have a great nostalgic song that I think will have to make it's way into a blog soon.
I have nothing from my grandparents in my house. However, I miss them enormously and like to think that they'd feel comfortable amidst my clutter. When I say clutter, I mean highly important things without which my life has no meaning. Or something like that.
What a lovely post. Sometimes they leave behind for us physical stuff. But what perhaps is more important that grand parents leave behind... are a part of who they are !
With their values, their ethics and their nature !
In more ways than one, they were such a delight. Even when they are long gone, they inspire !
Do you have the pig cookie jar? The one with the chef's hat?
I miss my grandma now.
Ah! But do you have the crocheted lady in your bathroom whose skirt holds an extra roll of toilet paper????
Can't be grandma's without it on the back of your toilet!
Powdergirl, we don’t realize how precious grandmas are until too late…
Ms. Sparrow, thank you, but I do not feel very witty at all!
Chris, you’re welcome!
Prefers Her Fantasy Life, I was thinking about that the other day, how once I was the youngest at, say, work, and some day I’ll be the oldest…
Kate, I only wish my family had had a little more money. Mighta inherited a lovely piano or china hutch. :-D
Roshni, no cross-stitch – crocheted doilies! But yes, I have a china teapot, too!
I gave up on the Advair. I am too afraid of those side effects…
Eskimo Bob, The Dives? No. Post it!
Madame DeFarge, I am glad to hear that you and I have the same definition of “clutter”. :-D
Kavi, that is true. My grandparents, particularly, had wonderful work ethics and a sense of fair play to them that will live on.
Vic, oh, I know which one you’re talking about! But no. :-D But that gives me something to hunt for – garage sale season is upon us!
Lizspin, HA! Grandma DID have one of those! Funny. I forgot about that. Something else to look for at garage sales!
Oh I am so sorry. I miss my grandparents too.
Sweet, cozy & comforting. Perfect!
OMG, I have some doilies too. That is a dead giveaway to a grandma house. I just can't put stuff as centerpieces without a doily under it! ha
Loving to move from country to country, I don't collect things anymore. I prefer the feeling of being FREE from stuff, whether it's my mom's or other stuff. I have to say, I have 5 items I will keep, no matter where I travel: 2 embroidered armchairs mom and I made. A Chinese chest, a painting of the Caribbean and my kids photos, The rest can go.
I'm obsessed with truly awesome salt and pepper shakers.
Sorry, off topic.
I keep trying to find the "swamp Hieffers"
post you recommended, but I get nothin' from the url you provided : (
I need all the name calling help I can get!
I don't remember too much patting, though I do remember lots of chain-smoking, coughing, and very dodgy pieces of home-spun wisdom. Bless.
Hope you're feeling better!
And I love the decor in your house! We've got piles of books here too, and I think I might have your crying onion chopping board too!
My house is done in grandma!!!
"Grandma" The Newest Craze in Decor! Whodathunk?
My aunt made "bean and seed" artwork when she was a teen! Wish I had a picture of it, it was really good. But a picture of it would be enough for me ;o)
Hope you feel better soon!
At least you have a style...mine is Crap That No One Else Wants...
I never knew my grandparents. They died many many years before I was born, and I think I missed something wonderful.
Unless you're Donald Trump, every house is a time warp.
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