I've been included in a Minnesota anthology "Under Purple Skies", now available on Amazon!

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My first chapbook, I Was Raised to be A Lert is in its third printing and is available both via the PayPal link below and on smashwords! Order one? Download one? It's all for you, baby!

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Wake Up! or I'd Almost Forgotten A Really Great Thing

There's nothing like going back to yoga after almost three weeks gone.

Thought number one? I used to be stronger.

Thought number two? Jesus Martha is it hot in here...

I could go on; and so, of course, I will.

I discovered some things yesterday afternoon, whilst tipping this way and that in a heated room. For instance, I recalled how much I enjoy my forehead on the mat. There's something about it that feels good. I'm not going to look at it too closely. If I am soothed by resting my head on the ground, let's let it be.

I also noticed that the free shoes at the doors have switched from three-inch heels and tennis shoes to boots at various levels of practicality. I found several pair I really liked but they didn't come in my size.

No, the footwear at the doors is not really free.

I noticed, too, that there seem to be far more men in the class than they're used to be. I'm against this. I have significant proof that men sweat swamps around their mats, that clusters of more men than, oh, one lead to pools of brackish water that may invade your personal space.

They also smell funny.

Mostly what I noticed, however, came after the class: the all-over, deep down relaxation.

Now that is why I practice yoga.

Holy Hannah, I feel like a million bucks.


CJ said...

Men should not be allowed to do yoga with women, unless they're gay. Seriously! Straight men are perverts...well, not ALL of them, just in MY experience!

Pearl said...

CJ, do we live close to each other? Because there are a lot of perverts here, too! :-)

Ms Sparrow said...

If only I could get down on the floor (well, actually, get back up off the floor)I'd love to do yoga. You make it sound sooo wonderful.

Pearl said...

Ms. Sparrow, there are classes meant more for relaxation than exertion as well; and I heartily recommend checking them out. The feeling of reconnecting with the body (as opposed to living solely in one's head, which is what I tend to do) is so rewarding!

Pop and Ice said...

I own a yoga mat and yoga video I have never used. However I have found that Klonopin, Darocet and a nap stand-in nicely as stress relievers as well.

Jenny said...

Oooh, I love me some yoga. There is a class nearby that combines yoga, pilates, and tai chi, and boy, I walk out of there feeling fantastic. A friend of mine compared it to feeling like she just got a massage. Couldn't agree more. Plus, I find when I am concentrating so hard on balancing on that one leg with this leg up in the air over here and wait, that arm should be pointing which way? well, there's not much time to think about anything else, such a life's problems. I love it. :)

Pearl said...

Pop and Ice, don't make me come over there! :-)

Jenny, you hit it right on the head, didn't you?! That's exactly it: while you are concentrating and holding the position correctly without toppling into some poor unsuspecting person, there is no room in your head for anything else. A whole hour (or so) of nothing but you, your body, and the desire to continue to breathe with the exertion. I absolutely love it.

Stephanie said...

I love it when its over.

Anonymous said...

Since you describe that overall relaxation afterwards, you have me thinking about yoga now.

Douglas said...

Hey! What's wrong with perverts?

Uh, never mind...

Suzy said...

Men who sweat pools? Ugh. And I have no tolerance for too hot or too cold. So I'm a sweat-free medium.

Pearl said...

Stephanie, the last pose -- flat on your back, eyes closed -- is the best part about it!

Secretia, it is well worth the effort. Not to mention how strong and fit you feel later.

Douglas, everything in its place!

Suzy, oh, yes. Me, I'm not big on hot either, but since my hands and feet will be cold now until, oh, April, I'm gonna get it while I can!

Jennifer said...

I just started back yesterday after several weeks of no stretching due to various life happenings...I love that you used "whilst". This word is so WONDERFUL for me!

Pretty Zesty said...

I need to get back into it. I was sick for a good solid week and am now just starting to get the strength to go back. It's the coughing that's keeping me from going back. EXCUSES EXCUSES!

Barlinnie said...

Yoga... natures way of allowing middle aged ladies to free their trapped wind in the company of friends.

Vic said...

The pools of sweet thing is so disgusting. Not that I've ever been in a yoga studio, but theoretically...

You make it sound good though -- I'm seriously thinking about trying it. Can I have a pair of boots on the way out?

Unknown said...

I think I love that forehead touch as much as I hate the pools of sweat...but I hate the skimpily dressed owners of matted back hair even more...

Peace ~ Rene

Anonymous said...

I'll have you know that I smell sweet and delicate when I sweat. Well, not too sweet and delicate as I am also quite straight. Have never done a yoga class (though I have practiced it on my own), but a few years ago my wife and I took tai-chi -- all those graceful movemnts that actually leave you feeling both exhausted yet at peace at the end of it. Much the way you describe yoga.

The Jules said...

Hey, it's not cos I'm a man. If ogling ladies from behind a yoga mat whilst rubbing crisp crumbs into your leotard and chanting "Bendy! Bendy!" is perverted, then aren't we all?

Bill Lisleman said...

years ago wife and i went to a yoga class at the park district. I was so relaxes at one point I rolled out of the room. Also, being the klutz I am, I lost my balance. actually I was never given balance. Is there another balance class where you get balance?

mapstew said...

I like the strawberry yoga! :¬)


ellen abbott said...

I always feel taller.

Anonymous said...

Glad you're well enough to start yoga again sister...that piggy sickness really packs a punch!


Green-Eyed Momster said...

You totally had me at free footwear! I was ready to go sign up for a yoga class although it would be really hard for me to relax around sweaty men.
Enjoy your snow!!

justsomethoughts... said...

i keep thinking about trying yoga.
then i remember that i'm a guy.

June said...

I have yet to try yoga but I think I would want an intro video before doing it public!
Does anyone ever fart in these positions? I just saw something on TV that was staged but pretty funny...

Jocelyn said...

Secret confession: I've been away from MY PRACTICE (as the Pretensers call it) for longer than 3 weeks, but despite that, I'm still strong as shit and mighty like a bear. Oh, wait, what I wanted to say is that I totally miss it and keep thinking I'll need to get in there and put my head on the mat during these dark months of winter--the best sanity preserver ever.

Except for vodka. Yoga and vodka. Sanity preservers.

Nancy/BLissed-Out Grandma said...

Yoga and Pilates are both so worth it....so why are both my yoga mats rolled up and gathering dust? Now that you've reminded me, I think I'll drag one out and get back to it! Tomorrow. Or the next day.

Smart Mouth Broad said...

I remember those feelings. Yeah, I should probably get back into yoga. But I still say that yoga was designed for tall, skinny people. Whether it's because my arms are too short or my middle is too round, there are some places that I just can't go. *sigh*

Tempo said...

I went to a yoga class once. I spent 20 minutes twisting, turning, gyrating, stretching and sweating....but it was no good. I just couldn't get into the Leotard.

People Who Know Me Would Say: said...

I enjoy everything about yoga except the people part. Oh, I'm fine with an instructor, but all those others? Not for me. Tempo above is pretty funny.

Unknown said...

Good on you! I want to, and need to, do yoga or something similar for strengthening and stretching and just plain old relaxation!

The mad woman behind the blog said...

Darn you woman and all your inspiration!

I dragged my sorry, knotted up, tired bod to a yoga class night, thinking, Pearl, this better be good.

I'm writing you today w/an overstretched sore hammy and that insipid shallow voice of the instructor I could never see in my head.


I think I'll go eat some fat....and find another instructor.

jules said...

My fav part is chlds pose too. Another bad thing about the men in the class is when they are in front of you in pigeon pose. Wearing boxers under their shorts. And you look up and its hot sweaty ball city. True story. I keep my eyes closed in yoga like always now.